My Projects

Eduverse 3.0

Junior Software Developer January 2023 - Present

Junior Software Developer at a startup aimed at creating a browser based game which rewards players with NFT's linked to real-life prizes. Proceeds from prizes are to be donated to charity organizations.

Skills: Javascript  React  Python  Django  

Keywords: FullStack Development  Schema Creation  UI Creation 

Spotify Artist Collaboration Web

Personal Project N/A

Creation of a data visualization tool which displayed artist album collaborations based on data pulled from the Spotify API.

Skills: Typescript  Next.js  Tailwind.css  Axios.js  Express.js  Three.js  React Three Fibre  React Three Drei  

Keywords: FullStack Development  Data Visualization  3D Visuals  Spotify API 


Contract Work June 2021 - November 2021

Designed and developed a portfolio site for a designer in Vancouver BC.

Skills: Javascript  React  Framer Motion  SASS  Figma  Netlify  

Keywords: Front-End Development 

Amay Sweets

Contract Work November 2020 - December 2020

Developed an online shop for a local family run bakery operating in Vancouver BC.

Skills: Javascript  React  Styled Components  Netlify  

Keywords: Front-End Development